Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Loving change.

There lies in man a desire to matter.Someone once said that men want to be needed and women desire to be cherished in all of us theres that craving to be just that special person.

For a long time the quest for the perfect soul-mate has pushed one into multiple relationships and experimentations,but alas no connection was made.Why do people love?how do you know she/he is the one?

Is it in the quality of her/his mind? the sincerity of the spirit?or the beauty of the body.

A good friend once said that human nature is unpredictable,and unstable,what satisfies you today might irritate you tomorrow,so never expect to find all you desires in one person,pursue God,chase God.

but cant the same thing happen to your pursuit of God,the initial love affair with the master can be characterised with heartfelt and joyful worship,moments of ecsatsy in Prayer,a superlative time in his word,great strides in evangelism,but slowly and most times subtly you begin to loss the glow and fervour...what happened?

did you get to familiar with HIM,or did you become too intimate that your intercourse became more like routine?

OR did SIN gain the ascendeny ?

I believe what settles the issue is the tipping point effect,thats the place where we become comfortable with who we are ,and who we have become,recognising that we are growing and evolving daily,and finding that person that apperciates who we are today,who we where yesterday and has the courage to look forward to who we will become tomorrow,knowing that God never changes we are the ones that change as we move to a place of trusting him to embrace our change.

Friday, October 5, 2007


Personally i love to write,words fascinate me.
So the temptation of blogging was too strong
to resist.

Having an opportunity to just document
my thoughts is so therapeutic.

Like one of my favourite authors says,
never scarfice beauty for pungency
blend them.Thats what i intend to do.
